Professor Miller has strong leadership experience and a passion for achieving positive collaborative outcomes for Indigenous communities, including his own Jirrbal people in north Queensland.
Professor Miller is an established Public Health scholar and is known nationally and internationally for his research and leadership in Indigenous and environmental health, infectious diseases and higher education research.
His recent national and international publications and outcomes have influenced national and state policies, in particular, national pandemic planning. He has published in the Nature and Cell journals into novel vaccine development for new strains of influenza for global Indigenous populations. He is a Fellow of the Queensland Academy of Arts and Science and is a recognised expert with the Academy of Sciences.
He has won over $30M in grants in his career to date and he is regularly invited to peer review journal articles for a range of prestigious publications.
Professor Miller is currently the Deputy Vice-President and leads the Office of Indigenous Engagement. He holds the position of BMA Chair of Indigenous Engagement, Co-Director of the Jawun Research Centre and Director of the Jilbay RHD Academy at Central Queensland University having held distinguished previous positions at Charles Darwin, Griffith, Southern Cross, Macquarie and James Cook Universities. During the past 29 years in higher education, he has demonstrated excellence in management, leadership, academic program development, teaching and research. He has a strong interest in applied research and twice been awarded Australian College of Educators Teaching Award.