Linkage Projects 2020 Round 3 Announcement Banner

Gifts and Benefits Register for the Australian Research Council 2023-2024

In accordance with APSC Guidance for Agency Heads – Gifts and Benefits, the following relates to gifts/and or benefits received by ARC officials that exceed AU$100 (excluding GST) in value in the course of conducting their official business.

Quarter 4 - (Period 04: 01 April - 30 June 2024)

DateDate recordedGift item/benefit recievedReceived by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head)Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country)OccasionEstimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Australia)

Quarter 3 - (Period 03: 01 January - 31 March 2024)

DateDate recordedGift item/benefit recievedReceived by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head)Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country)OccasionEstimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Australia)

Quarter 2 (Period 02: 01 October – 31 December 2023)

DateDate recordedGift item/benefit recievedReceived by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head)Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country)OccasionEstimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Australia)
201520-Oct-23Complimentary Qantas Club lounge membershipChief Executive OfficerQantas AirlinesUnsolicited gift accepted by officialn/a
201520-Oct-23Complimentary Virgin lounge membershipChief Executive OfficerVirgin AirlinesUnsolicited gift accepted by officialn/a

Quarter 1 (Period 01: 01 July – 30 September 2023)

DateDate recordedGift item/benefit recievedReceived by (agency contact if not received directly by agency head)Presented by (giver's name, organisation/country)OccasionEstimated value in $ (wholesale value in country of origin or current market value in Australia)
19-Jul-2324-Jul-23Attend Minister Jason Clare address to the National Press ClubChief Executive OfficerAustralian National UniversityUnsolicited invitation accepted by official$100
19-Jul-2324-Jul-23Attend Minister Jason Clare address to the National Press ClubDeputy Chief Executive OfficerAustralian National UniversityUnsolicited invitation accepted by official$100

Gifts and Benefits Register for the Australian Research Council 2019-2020

Gifts and Benefits Register for the Australian Research Council 2020-2021

Gifts and Benefits Register for the Australian Research Council 2021-2022

Gifts and Benefits Register for the Australian Research Council 2022-2023

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