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Past ERA evaluations

ERA 2018 graphic banner 

The ARC publishes a national report at the conclusion of each ERA round. The reports provide information and analysis of Australia's research landscape.  

The most recent report is the State of Australian University Research 2018–19: ERA National Report.

The Gender and the Research Workforce Report provides information about the research workforce in Australian universities using the data from the 2018 ERA evaluation.  

ARC Data Portal 

The ERA 2018 National Report and more ERA data is available via the ARC Data Portal. The dynamic and interactive Data portal allows users flexibility to analyse the information for their own purposes. For example, users can choose to filter ratings by university or discipline, or search research output metadata. 

 The ARC Data Portal contains: 

Previous ERA Reports 

With four rounds now complete, ERA provides a unique dataset covering extensive researcher staffing data, all Australian university research outputs from 2003 to 2016, and research income and research application data from 2006 to 2016. 

The national reports from each round provide the ERA ratings and a related wealth of information and analyses. Reports from previous ERA rounds are available via Past ERA Evaluations.

Copyright statement: In accordance with Australian Government policy, the Australian Research Council encourages the dissemination and exchange of public sector information provided on this website. You may use any of the material on this website for your personal, non-commercial use or use within your organisation for non-commercial purposes, provided that an appropriate acknowledgement is made (retaining this notice), and the material is not altered or subjected to derogatory treatment. Please refer to the ARC’s Copyright Statement page for full information. 

Archived ERA Documents

ERA National Reports and key documents from the previous evaluation rounds are only accessible via the AGWA website (please note that documents in the AGWA website may not meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.). These include:





  • ERA 2010 National Report (PDF Format, 21.7MB)
  • ERA 2010 Evaluation Guidelines - PDF Format (1.15MB)
  • ERA 2010 Submission Guidelines - PDF Format (1.35MB)
    ERA 2010 SEER Business Rules - PDF Format (601KB) 
  • ERA 2010 Discipline Matrix - Excel Format (343KB)
  • ERA-SEER 2010 Technology Pack - ZIP File (5.34MB) 
  • ERA-SEER 2010 Technical Specifications - PDF Format (1.72MB)
  • ERA 2010 Citation Benchmark Methodology – PDF Format (497KB)


In 2009, the Australian Research Council conducted a trial of ERA for two discipline clustersHumanities and Creative Arts (HCA) and Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences (PCE).  The trial assessed research in these discipline clusters published in the period 1 January 2002–31 December 2007.

  • ERA Evaluation Guidelines - PDF Format (959KB)
  • ERA Indicator Benchmark Methodology - PDF Format (901KB)
  • ERA Submission Guidelines - PDF Format (656KB)
  • ERA–SEER Business Rules for HCA Submissions - PDF Format (297KB)
  • ERA–SEER Technical Specifications - PDF Format (1.17MB)
  • ERA–SEER Technology Pack – ZIP File (3.26MB)

Copyright statement: In accordance with Australian Government policy, the Australian Research Council encourages the dissemination and exchange of public sector information provided on this website. You may use any of the material on this website for your personal, non-commercial use or use within your organisation for non-commercial purposes, provided that an appropriate acknowledgement is made (retaining this notice), and the material is not altered or subjected to derogatory treatment. Please refer to the ARC’s Copyright Statement page for full information.

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