Professor Kathryn Gilbey is an Alyawarre Arelhe with close kinship and family ties across Central Australia and is the acting Executive Dean of Higher Education and Research at Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education.
Professor Gilbey is an experienced academic and researcher with a PhD conferred in 2014, the Fulbright Cultural Competence Scholar in 2016.
Prof Gilbey specialises in First Nations knowledges, inclusive education and critical race theories. She has demonstrated how theory and narrative can be used to explore the immediacy of identification, and her publication record demonstrates a significant contribution to social justice and change.
She is the Australian Project Lead for Batchelor Institute on the Lego funded “SPIRIT Project” worth $US27,765,594 over 5 years, led by Johns Hopkins Centre of Indigenous Health and partnering with the University of Otago (NZ) and First Nations Health Authority (Canada), Chief Investigator for Batchelor Institute on the ARC Linkage project led by UTas, “Empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Girls, Changing Communities” ($733,396 over 3 years) and a CI on the recently completed ARC Discovery grant led by University of the Sunshine Coast “Implementing Indigenous knowledge approaches in doctoral education” ($278,000 over 3 years).